We - movements, organizations and activists, Jews and Arabs - write these words out of heavy mourning for the thousands of people killed in recent weeks, and out of terrible anxiety for the safety of the abducted and those who will still be harmed in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.
Precisely in these terrible days, the simple truth is clearer than ever: the freedom, security, and life of all living in this land depend on each other. In memory of the murdered and for the sake of the living, we must act together - Jews and Arabs - for the release of the kidnapped and captives, for the end of the war, for the end of the occupation and the conflict, for peace.
We have all experienced the rounds of violence. Time and time again it is evident that there is no military solution to this conflict, nor can there ever be one. The only way to stop the bloodshed is a political agreement that will guarantee security, justice, and freedom for both nations. There are no winners in war. Only peace will bring security.
Academia for Equality; Arava Institute for Environmental Studies; Banki; Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights; Combatants for Peace; Druze Initiative Committee; The Forum for the Fight Against Incitement; Hadash; Hands of Peace; Horiya; Jahalin Solidarity; Kaa”- political working group; Looking the Occupation in the Eye; Machsom Watch; Mesarvot; Mothers Against Violence; Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality; New Profile; On the way to Sulha; Parents Against Child Detention; Parents Circle Families Forum; PsychoActive; Rabbis for Human Rights; Social Workers for Peace and Welfare; Tandi; Tomorrow’s Women; Torat Tzedek; Women in Black; Woman to Woman; Yesh Gvul; Your Neighbor as Yourself; Youth Against Dictatorship; Zazim - Community Action; Zochrot ; Itach Ma’aki – Women Lawyers for Social Justice